Services & Treatments
We weren’t kidding when we said we had a specialist for nearly every orthopaedic injury. Here are the conditions that we treat. If you'd like to learn more about the conditions that we treat and the treatment options that we offer, contact Orthopaedic Specialists today.
Achilles Tendon Pain
The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body, but that doesn’t mean it’s resistant to injury. In fact, Achilles tendon pain is quite common. Let’s take a look at what factors play a role in Achilles tendon issues and how they are treated.
Ankle Replacement
Ankle replacement, or a total ankle arthroplasty (TAA), may be a viable treatment option for adults with severe arthritis that impacts their quality of life. Arthritis is a degenerative condition that causes the joint’s cushioning cartilage to wear away, forcing uncomfortable bone-on-bone contact. The goal of ankle replacement surgery is to reduce pain and increase mobility by replacing worn or damaged components of the ankle joint with specially designed implants.
Ankle Sprains
A sprained ankle is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries. It occurs when the ligaments that hold the ankle in place stretch or tear. Anyone can sprain an ankle while jogging up the stairs or walking on an uneven surface, but this injury is particularly common among athletes and individuals who frequently exercise. A sprained foot can also occur when ligaments in the foot are strained, although this condition is fairly rare.
Arthritis, Including Ankle Arthritis
Ankle arthritis (osteoarthritis) is a degenerative condition in which the joint’s layer of cushioning cartilage wears away. This can trigger painful bone-on-bone contact that makes basic actions like standing up and walking uncomfortable experiences. Arthritis in the ankle joint is also closely associated with arthritis in the feet, as the many small bones in both of these structures work together to facilitate movement.
An arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the use of an arthroscope, which is a thin surgical instrument with a small camera attached to the end. The camera sends live images to a screen in the operating room, allowing the surgeon to view detailed pictures of the inside of the joint and make an evidence-based diagnosis. Arthroscopies can often be performed with other specially designed tools to repair soft tissue damage, remove bone or cartilage fragments, treat carpal tunnel syndrome, reconstruct an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), or address other musculoskeletal conditions.
Broken Ankles
The ankle is a complex joint with multiple small bones and ligaments that work in harmony to facilitate movement. When one or more bones in the ankle is broken, it can be difficult – or impossible – to move around comfortably. Let’s review the causes and symptoms that are associated with broken ankles, and what treatments are used to address this common injury.
Broken Foot
A “broken foot” is the term used to describe a fracture within one of the foot bones. Each foot has 26 small bones and 33 joints, all of which are susceptible to fractures and other types of injuries. A broken foot can be classified as a stress fracture – a partial fracture slowly caused by repeated activities – or a standard fracture, which occurs suddenly and causes a definitive break. Some of the most common causes of broken feet include sports injuries, car accidents, slips and falls, impact from heavy objects, and overuse in the case of stress fractures.
Bulging Discs
The spine features a complex network of small bones, nerves, and cushioning discs. These discs are composed of a soft, gel-like-core and a tough, fibrous outer shell. Sometimes, factors like repeated strain, arthritis, or sudden trauma can cause one or more of these discs to bulge out in one direction, potentially pinching against a nearby nerve root and causing painful symptoms.
A bunion (hallux valgus) is a bump that seems to slowly grow on the inside of the big toe joint. It may develop on one or both feet. A bunion forms at the MTP (metatarsophalangeal) joint – the main joint at the base of the big toe – when the metatarsal bone shifts inward and the big toe moves towards the second toe.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can result in gradually worsening weakness, numbness and tingling sensations in the thumb, middle, and index fingers. Some people with carpal tunnel syndrome have difficulty typing comfortably or keeping a firm grip on objects. Here’s some helpful information on this common medical issue.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is an inherited neurological disorder that can result in weakened muscles, reduced coordination, muscle contractions, and loss of sensation. Also referred to as a hereditary motor and sensor neuropathy, this condition can damage the peripheral nerves in the legs and arms.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrom
Cubital tunnel syndrome, also known as ulnar nerve entrapment, occurs when the arm’s ulnar nerve becomes compressed through a combination of factors, such as sleeping with bent arms, fluid buildup around the elbow, or a direct hit to the elbow during sports. The ulnar nerve runs from the neck to the hand, traveling through a passageway of tissue called the cubital tunnel.
Degenerative Joint Disease
Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis, is a medical condition characterized by the wearing away of the protective cartilage that lines the joints. It impacts many adults over the age of 50, although it may develop at an earlier age in individuals who frequently participate in high-impact activities, are obese, or have certain genetic predispositions.
Dupuytren’s Contracture Treatment
Dupuytren’s contracture, or Dupuytren’s disease, occurs when the fascia of the fingers and palm begins to thicken and eventually tighten. Fascia is a fibrous layer of tissue that lies just below the skin of the palm-side of the hand. Over time, the affected hand may have fingers that become locked in a bent position as a result of tightened fascia. This condition tends to progress slowly and may take years to fully develop and cause obvious symptoms, which may include small lumps on your palm and noticeably thickened tissue in addition to bent fingers.
Elbow Surgery
Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis, is a medical condition characterized by the wearing away of the protective cartilage that lines the joints. It impacts many adults over the age of 50, although it may develop at an earlier age in individuals who frequently participate in high-impact activities, are obese, or have certain genetic predispositions.
Flat Feet
Flat feet is a fairly self-explanatory condition – it describes the lack of natural arch in the foot, which means the entire bottom of each foot touches the floor when standing. This problem is relatively common and often harmless, although treatment options are available to people who experience pain as a result of flat feet.
Foot & Ankle Surgery
Many conditions that affect the feet or ankles can be treated or effectively managed through conservative methods like physical therapy and medication. Still, surgical treatment may provide the best chance for optimal results if conservative approaches fail. If you are considering foot or ankle surgery to address a painful musculoskeletal issue, consult with the board-certified surgeons at Orthopaedic Specialists in the Greater Pittsburgh Region. We can provide you with the expert advice and guidance you need to make confident and informed decisions about your orthopedic health.
Foot Pain
Our feet feature dozens of tiny bones and ligaments that work in harmony to facilitate movement. Because of the foot’s delicate anatomy, there are many conditions and lifestyle factors that can lead to foot pain.
Fracture Treatment
If you’ve ever played a sport or have an active lifestyle, odds are, you’ve broken a bone. A bone fracture is a common injury that can require various types of treatments based on the location and extent of the break.
Frozen Shoulder Treatment
Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a relatively common condition that is characterized by marked stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. Some people develop frozen shoulder after keeping their arm immobilized for an extended period time from wearing a cast or recovering from a surgery. Symptoms of frozen shoulder tend to evolve slowly, and may include pain while using the shoulder and stiffness, often after the initial pain begins to dissipate.
Golfer’s Elbow
Despite what its name may suggest, golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) is not exclusive to golfers. Rather, this condition – which is characterized by pain where the forearm muscle attaches to the inside of the elbow joint – can develop in anyone who frequently performs high-impact movements that involve the elbow, including painters, weight lifters, plumbers, tennis players, and woodworkers.
Hammer Toe
Hammer toe occurs when there is a disruption to the tendons that hold a toe in normal position. The result is a toe that has an unusual upward bend, typically at the joint nearest to the toenail. This condition most often affects the second, third, and fourth toes.
Hand Surgery
The hands are complex structures that feature many small bones, connective tissues, and nerves that work together to facilitate motion and perform tasks. Because of this, a disorder or injury that affects one or both of your hands may require specialized care. But, is hand surgery necessary?
Herniated Discs
Don’t allow a herniated disc to negatively impact your quality of life. There are several treatment options available that can help you reduce your discomfort, improve your mobility, and help you get back to the activities you enjoy. Let’s take a look at some of the most common herniated disc treatment options.
Hip Avascular Necrosis
Hip avascular necrosis, also referred to as osteonecrosis of the hip, occurs when the blood supply to the head of the thighbone (femur) is interrupted, causing the bone and its protective cartilage to die and slowly collapse.
Hip Bursitis
Hip bursitis treatment is among our specialties at Orthopaedic Specialists – a renowned orthopedic practice with award-winning, board-certified physicians serving patients from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and throughout the country. If you are dealing with disruptive hip pain or stiffness, our team can help you get back on the move.
Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip replacement surgery may be a viable treatment option for certain patients with severe hip pain or joint dysfunction. During this procedure, also known as a hip arthroplasty, the damaged components of the hip – a ball-and-socket joint – are removed and replaced with artificial prostheses to restore mobility. Hip prostheses are designed to mimic the anatomy of the hip to provide natural, fluid movement.
Joint Sprains
Many people visit orthopedic doctors for sprain treatment. A joint sprain occurs when the ligaments that secure a joint in place are stretched or torn. The ankle joints are most vulnerable to sprains, but this common injury can also affect the knee, wrist, and thumb joints, among others in the body.
Knee Arthritis
Treatment for knee arthritis – one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions that Americans face – focuses on reducing symptoms and preserving mobility and joint function. Knee arthritis is a degenerative condition that cannot be reversed, only managed.
Knee Bursitis
Knee bursitis occurs when the bursa near your knee joint becomes inflamed as a result of an injury or everyday wear and tear. Bursae are small, liquid-filled sacs that help cushion joints. Knee bursitis may be to blame for your discomfort if you are experiencing pain around the knee that gradually worsens, event at rest, or a warm sensation, swelling, and tenderness around the knee joint. It’s important to promptly consult a physician if you notice any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or are accompanied by a fever.
Knee Cartilage and Ligament Injuries
The knee is the largest and arguably most complex joint in the body. So, it comes as no surprise that knee cartilage and ligament injuries are quite common. Let’s take a look at what causes these injuries, what symptoms they may present, and how they are treated.
Knee Injections
Knee injections can help patients find powerful relief from arthritis pain for weeks or months at a time. If you’re not quite ready for knee surgery but oral medications are not providing the relief you need from arthritis, a soft tissue injury, or another musculoskeletal condition, knee injections may be a viable treatment option.
Knee Overuse Injuries
As their name implies, knee overuse injuries develop as a result of frequent strain on the knee joint. Acute injuries like ankle sprains, on the other hand, occur suddenly. To gain a better understanding of knee overuse injuries, let’s review their symptoms and how they are treated.
Lower-limb Nonunion
Morton's Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma is a relatively common condition that occurs when the tissue that surrounds one of the nerves that leads to the toes begins to thicken. The result is often an intense and burning pain around the ball of the foot that can make it difficult to move around comfortably. Numbness and tingling sensations may also occur.
Muscle Strains
Muscle strain treatment is a common reason why people visit orthopedic physicians. Let’s take a closer look at this everyday condition and how it is addressed.
Neck and Back Pain
Neck and back pain are among the most common ailments that Americans face. The spine is a complex structure that bears the weight of the body and facilitates motion, so it’s no wonder that painful issues like bulging discs, whiplash, muscle strains, bone spurs, and nerve compression are commonplace in individuals of various ages. The spine is also highly prone to degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis, particularly after age 50.
Nerve Pain
Nerve pain is a complex issue that doesn’t always have an obvious cause or solution. Sometimes, it is a symptom of other conditions like bulging discs, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, or diabetes. In other cases, it occurs for no apparent reason.
Partial & Total Knee Replacement
Replacing the knee with an artificial joint, also called a prosthesis, may be an appropriate treatment option for individuals with severe pain and dysfunction from arthritis or a joint injury. There are two types of joint replacement (arthroplasty) procedures that may be performed for patients who are candidates for this treatment approach: Total and Partial Knee Replacement.
Planter Fasciitis
If you are experiencing lingering pain at the bottom of your heel, plantar fasciitis may be to blame. This common condition affects the plantar fascia – the thick, shock-absorbing band of tissue that connects your heel to the front of your foot and helps you walk. Plantar fasciitis occurs when this tissue becomes inflamed as a result of excess strain and tension, triggering stabbing pain at the bottom of the foot.
Revision of Failed Foot/Ankle Surgery
Foot problems are common in people of various ages. With dozens of small bones and ligaments, our feet are susceptible to an array of injuries and disorders. Surgery is often used to address issues within the foot and provide lasting relief from symptoms. Although success rates of foot surgery are generally high, sometimes a second surgery – or a revision surgery – is necessary to fully treat the underlying problem or a correct an issue with the initial operation.
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Rotator cuff injuries are common in athletes and individuals who perform repetitive arm movements, such as baseball players, tennis players, painters, movers, and construction workers. The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles that hold the components of the shoulder – a ball and socket joint – securely in place.
Spinal Fractures
A spinal fracture occurs when one or more bones in the spine (vertebrae) break as a result of sudden impact, such as a fall or car accident, or an extended period of wear and tear from exercise or physical labor. Unlike many other spinal conditions, spinal fractures often affect young adults. Here is some basic information on spinal fractures to help you better understand this condition.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of a portion of the spinal canal due to bone spurs, herniated or bulging discs, thickened ligaments, bone fractures, or shifting vertebrae. This narrowing can cause the spinal cord or nearby nerve roots to become pinched. Spinal stenosis most often develops in the neck (cervical spine) or lower back (lumbar spine) and affects individuals over the age of 50.
Shoulder Pain
If you are seeking treatment for shoulder pain, you’re not alone. Conditions that impact the shoulder – a ball and socket joint that provides a full 360 degrees of motion – are common in people of various ages. Let’s take a look at what factors play into shoulder pain and how it is treated.
Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder surgery may be an appropriate treatment option for patients with severe joint pain, stiffness, or instability that does not improve with conservative treatments like physical therapy and immobilization.
Sports Medicine
A sports medicine doctor is a physician who is uniquely trained to diagnose, treat, and help prevent injuries in professional and amateur athletes. These practitioners may be primary care physicians or orthopedic surgeons who subspecialize in sports medicine. Sports medicine doctors can help patients with a wide array of musculoskeletal conditions – issues that impact the bones, joints, muscles, and other connective tissues – regain strength and mobility.
Torn ACL Treatment
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are among the most common knee injuries that athletes and active individuals face. The ACL runs diagonally across the middle of the knee and is one of four main ligaments in the joint, along with the medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament, and the posterior cruciate ligament. These ligaments work together to hold the knee joint securely in place.
Tendinitis of the Foot and Ankle
Tendinitis is a common condition that occurs when tendons – or the strong cords of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones – become inflamed. Tendinitis can affect many joints the body, including those in the feet and ankles. The most common symptoms of foot and ankle tendinitis include pain and occasional swelling during physical activity.
Vascularized Fibula Grafting
Vascularized fibula grafting is an advanced treatment option for certain patients with avascular necrosis of the hip. This condition occurs when the blood supply to the head of the thighbone is disrupted, causing the bone to die and the hip joint to collapse. Avascular necrosis cannot be reversed, but with vascularized fibula grafting, patients may be able to preserve their joint health and avoid or delay the need for total hip replacement. Vascularized fibular grafting involves replacing the diseased head of the thighbone with healthy, vascularized grafted bone from the patient’s own fibula. The ideal candidate for this surgery is under the age of 50 and does not have late stage avascular necrosis.
Wrist Pain Treatment
The first step toward figuring out your ideal course of wrist pain treatment is to determine what is at the root of your symptoms. There are several medical conditions and lifestyle factors that could be to blame.